BOOK SUMMARY :- The rules of WEALTH . ( Richard templar)

What are the Rules of Wealth ?
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What are the rules of wealth ?

So folks ! this book is all about wealth . How to think wealth , getting wealth , getting even more wealth , staying with your wealth and lastly sharing your wealth . So without any ado , let’s get into it .

How to think about wealth ?

  • Set your target first . Define wealth for yourself . Is a million USD enough for you or 100 million or a billion USD ? Decide your target and work for it .
  • Money itself is not evil . What you do with your money might be . If not all , it can solve 99% of your problems. Keep on saying ” I love money and money loves me .” To learn more about affirmations , click this link
  • You can make lots of money with your job also . So don’t rush to be the next founder or co founder of something .
  • You have to walk the talk . Watch , read and learn from the rich people around you . Check their routine , what they eat , what they read , when they wake up and when they go to bed . Try to be like them .
  • Don’t envy what others have . Just focus on your development . Try to get better from yesterday .
  • Do you have what it takes to be wealthy ? plz ask yourself .

How to get wealthy ?

  • Bro plz move your butt . Do what it takes to reach your target . Stop being lazy All the rich guys work their socks off . They do more in a day than most of us do in a month .
  • Get your spending under control. Keep a record of everything you spend . Put a hold on your daily caramel latte from Starbucks . As they say ” Money saved is money earned “.
  • Conceive .. Believe and Achive . Believe that you are getting rich , dress like one, behave like one and you will see the difference .
  • Start saving young . But if you are 30 like me then teach your children to start saving young . Suppress that urge to buy the latest iPhone or going to roof top bars every Saturday night . Save that money and invest in stocks.
  • If you want to get rich quick , then start selling . Selling is the bedrock upon which every fortune is built . Read my post on how to get rich by selling by clicking on this link
  • Start doing a side hustle , do something productive in your free time , like i have started blogging in expectation of earning some bucks out of it .. Let’s see .
  • Gaining wealth is a slow process . If you get it all quickly you have no time to acquire experience and sense . You will not value money if you have earned it easily .

How to get very very rich ?

  • Be vigilant with your money . You should know what you are earning per day and what are your expenses on a daily basis .
  • Don’t sit back . The wealthy don’t take tea breaks , lunch breaks , holidays . They keep that fire in their belly always . They work harder and enjoy greater awards .
  • Make your money work for you . Don’t leave property empty , it may be increasing in value but you are missing valuable rental income .
  • Take care of your business passively after a point of time . Don’t retire completely . You will drop down dead immediately you do that .
  • This one is for today’s scenario . Don’t surrender your shares in the company very easily to an angel investor . Hang on to every bit you have got . Borrow , take loans but don’t give away equity.

What are the rules of WEALTH ?

  • Never borrow money from friends or family . If you fail to pay them back , you risk losing their friendship, which of course would mean much more to you than the loan would.
  • Never lend money to friends and family unless you are prepared to write it off . That way when they don’t repeat you , you’ll feel just fine about it .
  • Don’t over protect your children from the valuable experience of poverty . Teach them to value every penny they get from you .
  • Don’t hand over your finances to someone else if you are still in position to handle them . Don’t hand out your credit cards . Don’t give anyone authority to sign personal cheques.
  • Don’t flaunt , be frugal . Be careful with your money . Flaunting creates envy , jealousy , criticism and condemnation . Don’t ever mention how much you have got , what you are worth or how much you earn.
  • Your parent’s money is their business . they can do whatever they feel like doing with it . They can spend it in casinos , on charity or to any of your siblings. You are in no position to ask .

To learn more about savings, investing and compounding , check my other blog

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