BOOK SUMMARY : The Psychology of Selling. (Brian Tracy)

How to sell anything to anybody
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Book Cover : The psychology of selling by Brian Tracy.

Do you know how to get rich quick ? WELL!! If you ask me what is the fastest way to become rich , I would say SELLING . It doesn’t matter how great your idea or product is , if you don’t know how to sell you can’t create a good business . Whether you do this job yourself or hire people from top B schools or even hire an Ad agency , you have to SELL ! SELL ! AND SELL to grow your business and money. In sales , there is no ceiling on your income . If you are selling the right product In the right market , there is no limit to the amount of money you can make . Now let me do what I do best, let me give you some ” profitable pointers” for you to read and learn . #letsreadtogetrich.


Difference between the top performers and the average performer is just a few small things done consistently and well , over and over gain. For example , if a horse runs in race and wins by a nose , it wins ten times the prize money of the horse that loses by a nose . here’s the question: Is the horse that wins by a nose ten times faster than the horse that loses by a nose? Is it 10 percent faster ? NO . It is only a nose faster, but that translates into a 1000 percent difference in prize money.


The only way you can increase your sales income is by expanding your comfort zone with regard to the amount you earn. Some people have a comfort zone of $50,000 a year. At that level , they relax and coast . Others have a comfort zone of $100,000 a year . that is the level that they strive toward , and they only relax when they hit the target. Here is the cosmic joke : there is usually very little difference in talent between the person who earns $50,000 per year and the one who earns $100,000 per year. The only difference is that one has settled at a lower level while the other has refused to settle for less than $100,000.


The more you like yourself, the more you like other people . The more you like other people , the more they like you in return . The more you like your customers , the more your customers like you , and the more willing that are to buy from you and to recommend you to their friends. High self-esteem people meet and marry other high self-esteem people. High self-esteem parents raise high self-esteem children. High self-esteem bosses build high self-esteem salespeople and employees .


One of the things we know in sales is that ” success breeds success”. The more you sell, the better you become at selling. Your self concept as a salesperson gets better and better. You finally reach the point in your own thinking where you know that nothing can stop you. To improve your self concept read my blog


All top salespeople have reached the point where they no longer fear rejection. They have built their self-esteem and self-concepts up such that if someone says no to them, it does not hurt them or put them off. Here’s the key to dealing with rejection. You must realise that rejection is not personal. It is not aimed at you . It is like the rain or the sunshine . It just happens from day to day. when you recognise that rejection goes with the territory, it will have no more fear for you. You will expect it to be normal , shrug your shoulders , and move on to the next prospect. There is a sale motto : “some will ; some won’t ; so what ? NEXT!” This should be your motto as well.


The very best sales people dominate the listening and let the customer dominate the talking . The more you ask questions and listen patiently to the answers , the more the customer will open up and talk to you. There is a rule that ” telling is not selling” . Only questioning is selling. Today, people do not want to be sold . The moment a prospect feels that he is being pushed to make a buying decision , he shuts down and lose interest.


By the law of probabilities , the more time you spend with better prospects , the more sales you will make and the more successful you will be . Refuse to talk about your product or service , or the price , on the phone ; focus single – mindedly on getting a face to face meeting .


Dress for success . be well dressed and groomed , keep your office and surroundings clean . Walk and move with strength and confidence . Be courteous with everyone you meet , from the receptionist to the secretary and customer ; always be cheerful.


All sales professional in the top 10 percent use a planned presentation . Those in bottom 80 percent of salespeople , simply say whatever comes out of their mouths when they meet with customers .


Do what successful people do . Identify the very best people in your field and pattern yourself after them. Decide to be like them . Associate with them as much as possible . Ask them for advice , what books you should read , what courses you should take and what audio program you should listen to. Just try to be like them in all the ways possible .


I know luck and talent counts but hard work can outshine all other traits . so ” work hard” , if it was easy everybody would be rich . Do the little things that average people always try to avoid doing . Work all the time you work , don’t waste time. Get going . Now , get a copy , read thoroughly , start selling and be RICH.

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